B2B Authentication

Implement Secure User Authentication using Google Sign-In

Kuntal Banerjee

Imagine you’re building an app that requires user authentication. You begin with the email/password method but soon face issues like forgotten passwords and weak password usage, which adds security risks to your production environment. As a developer, this means extra work managing resets, validating passwords, and enhancing security.

That’s where social sign-in providers like Google Sign-In, Microsoft, and Salesforce come in. Using Google OAuth 2.0, users can sign in with their existing accounts, eliminating the need to remember yet another password and offering a fast, secure sign-in experience with just a few clicks.

Why is Google Sign-In one of the top choices for secure user authentication?

  • 2-Factor Authentication: Adds an extra layer of security with 2-step authentication, ensuring better protection.
  • Strong Security and Privacy: Google Sign-In integrates strict security practices to safeguard user data.
  • Smooth User Experience: The authentication process is quick, with no need for new passwords or forms, making the authentication step seamless for users.

However, while Google Sign-In simplifies user authentication, as your app grows, you may need to integrate additional social providers. This can introduce new challenges. Managing tokens, setting up redirect URIs, and handling security configurations for each provider can quickly become a time-consuming task.

This is where Scalekit steps in to simplify the integration process. With Scalekit, you can integrate Google OAuth and other providers using a unified SDK, minimizing redundant code and making the integration more efficient. Whether you're working on the application frontend or backend, Scalekit streamlines the entire authentication workflow, ensuring a smooth and secure setup.

In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through implementing secure user authentication using Google Sign-In and Scalekit SDK, ensuring a simple and effective solution for your app.

Getting Started

Integrating social sign-in like Google Sign-In is straightforward with Scalekit. Rather than managing complex Google OAuth configurations manually, Scalekit simplifies the process, helping you establish a fast and secure authentication flow for both internal applications and public-facing apps.

Why opt for Scalekit when integrating Google Sign-In?

  • Saves Time: automates generating authorization URLs and managing token exchanges, speeding up Google OAuth integration.
  • Simplifies Integration: The SDK handles everything from token management to retrieving user profiles for any application type, including web apps and Mobile devices, without custom coding.
  • Enhances Security: Scalekit follows OAuth standards, reducing token mishandling and securing your app’s authentication process.

With the Scalekit SDK, you can integrate Google Sign-In quickly and easily while also adding support for other providers like Microsoft and Salesforce as your application scales.

Hands-On: Implementing Google Sign-In with Scalekit SDK

Now that we’ve understood why Google Sign-In is essential for modern web apps let’s dive into the implementation using Scalekit SDK. Scalekit integrates both OpenID Connect (OIDC) for user authentication and OAuth 2.0 for authorization.

In this section, we’ll walk through the steps required to set up Google Sign-In in your app, making the process smooth, secure, and efficient. With Scalekit, the integration is not only faster but also avoids common pitfalls that arise when setting up the authentication protocol manually.


Before we jump into the code, you’ll need to set up a few things:

  1. Scalekit Account and API Setupsome text
    • Start by signing into your Scalekit Dashboard and selecting the "Development" environment. You’ll find the following important credentials under the "API Config" section by using “Generate new secret”:some text
      • Environment URL: The base URL for API calls  (development or production). 
      • Client ID: Your app's unique identifier.
      • Client Secret: A private key used for authenticating API requests.
  2. Google Developer Console: Creating a Project and Obtaining OAuth Credentials

Set up OAuth consent using this guide on Google Developer Console and get your Client ID and Client Secret. We are now ready to set up a social connection within Scalekit.

Step 1: Configure Google Social Sign-in using Scalekit

To set up a social connection with Google and Scalekit, follow these simple steps:

Access Social Sign-In Settings:

  1. Open the Scalekit dashboard.
  2. Navigate to the Social Sign-in section.

Configure Google Connection:

  1. Click "Add Connection".
  2. Select “Google” from the list of providers.
  3. Enter your Google Developer Console credentials:some text
    • Client ID
    • Client Secret

Finalize and Verify:

  1. Save your settings.
  2. Use the "Test Connection" feature. This helps you test IDP integration quickly without doing an end-to-end login flow.
  3. Sign in with your Google account to confirm everything works correctly.

By following these steps, you’ll have Google Sign-In configured and ready to go.

Step 2: Store Scalekit API Credentials in Your .env File

In your backend environment, securely store your Scalekit credentials in a configuration file. This can vary depending on your tech stack, but the goal is to keep sensitive information secure.

For example, in Node.js, you can store these credentials in a .env file:


Step 3: Set Up Scalekit SDK in Your Backend

Let’s implement the Scalekit SDK in our application’s backend. This setup will manage the generation of the authorization URL and the exchange of the authorization code for retrieving user details. Users authenticate and give consent to our application at the authorization URL, whereas exchanging code ensures our app receives correct information about the users.

Scalekit handles the connection with Google on behalf of our app, making the process simple and secure.

Google SSo Flow diagram
Google SSO flow

Curious about the details behind OAuth2.0 and OpenID connect? Check out this implementation guide to see how you can set up a Google sign-in for your app using these protocols.

Depending on the tech stack you’re using, here are some ways to install the Scalekit SDK for your projects.

1. Install the Scalekit SDK

npm install @scalekit-sdk/node
pip install scalekit-sdk-python
go get -u github.com/scalekit-inc/scalekit-sdk-go
/* Gradle users - add the following to your dependencies in build file */ implementation "com.scalekit:scalekit-sdk-java:1.0.1" <dependency> <groupId>com.scalekit</groupId>; <artifactId>scalekit-sdk-java</artifactId> <version>1.0.1</version> </dependency>

2. Consent screen to Authorize the User

To allow users to sign in, your app needs to redirect them to an Authorization URL. This URL sends users to Scalekit, which seamlessly takes them to the OAuth sign-in configured for Social sign-in. After user consent, Google sends the details to Scalekit, which in turn redirects the users, thus signing them into the app.

Now, set up your app to redirect users to the Scalekit Authorization URL along with the redirect_uri and necessary parameters.

Pass in a `redirect_uri` and `provider` to generate the Authorization URL. 

  • redirect_uri: An endpoint your app owns where Scalekit will send users back after signing in. Register it in Scalekit API Config and define it in your app.
  • provider: Pass “google” as the option to tune our Authorization URL to initiate the sign-in with Google.

The following are code snippets of the sign-in endpoint that our frontend will use to get the authorization URL from the backend, which will then be used to redirect the users to the OAuth consent screen.

import express from 'express'; import { ScalekitClient } from '@scalekit-sdk/node'; const app = express(); const redirectURI = 'http://localhost:5000/callback'; // Initialize Scalekit Client const scalekit = new ScalekitClient( process.env.SCALEKIT_ENVIRONMENT_URL, process.env.SCALEKIT_CLIENT_ID, process.env.SCALEKIT_CLIENT_SECRET ); // sign-in route app.post('/sign-in', (req, res) => { try { const authorizationUrl = scalekit.getAuthorizationUrl(redirectURI, { provider: 'google', }); return res.redirect(authorizationUrl); } catch (error) { console.error('Error redirecting to authorization URL:', error); return res.status(500).send('Internal Server Error'); } });
from scalekit import ScalekitClient, AuthorizationUrlOptions, CodeAuthenticationOptions # Initialize the SDK client scalekit_client = ScalekitClient( '', '', '' ) redirect_uri = 'http://localhost:5000/callback' # Set your redirect URI # Sign-in route @app.route('/sign-in', methods=['POST']) def sign_in(): try: options = AuthorizationUrlOptions() options.provider = 'google' # Generate the authorization URL authorization_url = scalekit_client.get_authorization_url( redirect_uri=redirect_uri, options=options ) # Redirect the user to the authorization URL return redirect(authorization_url) except Exception as error: print('Error redirecting to authorization URL:', error) return 'Internal Server Error', 500
import ( "fmt" "log" "net/http" "os" "github.com/scalekit/scalekit-sdk-go" // Import the Scalekit SDK for Go ) func main() { // Initialize Scalekit SDK client using environment variables scalekitClient := scalekit.NewScalekitClient( os.Getenv("SCALEKIT_ENVIRONMENT_URL"), os.Getenv("SCALEKIT_CLIENT_ID"), os.Getenv("SCALEKIT_CLIENT_SECRET"), ) // Define the sign-in handler http.HandleFunc("/sign-in", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { // Set your redirect URI (should match what you've configured in Scalekit) redirectURI := "http://localhost:5000/callback" // Set up authorization options options := scalekit.AuthorizationUrlOptions{ Provider: "google", // Specify Google as the provider } // Generate the authorization URL authorizationURL := scalekitClient.GetAuthorizationUrl(redirectURI, options) // Redirect the user to the authorization URL http.Redirect(w, r, authorizationURL, http.StatusFound) }) }
public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // Initialize the Scalekit SDK client using environment variables ScalekitClient scalekitClient = new ScalekitClient( System.getenv("SCALEKIT_ENVIRONMENT_URL"), System.getenv("SCALEKIT_CLIENT_ID"), System.getenv("SCALEKIT_CLIENT_SECRET") ); // Set up an HTTP server to handle requests HttpServer server = HttpServer.create(new InetSocketAddress(5000), 0); server.createContext("/sign-in", new AuthorizationHandler(scalekitClient)); server.setExecutor(null); // Use the default executor server.start(); System.out.println("Server running at http://localhost:5000"); } // Authorization handler to manage the /sign-in endpoint static class AuthorizationHandler extends HttpServlet { private final ScalekitClient scalekitClient; public AuthorizationHandler(ScalekitClient scalekitClient) { this.scalekitClient = scalekitClient; } @Override protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException { // Set your redirect URI (must match the one configured in Scalekit) String redirectUrl = "http://localhost:5000/callback"; AuthorizationUrlOptions options = new AuthorizationUrlOptions(); options.setProvider("google"); // Specify Google as the provider try { // Generate the authorization URL String authorizationUrl = scalekitClient.authentication().getAuthorizationUrl(redirectUrl, options); // Redirect the user to the authorization URL resp.sendRedirect(authorizationUrl); } catch (Exception e) { // Handle any errors that occur during the process resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, e.getMessage()); } } } }

For a complete list of Authorization URL parameters you can pass, refer to the Authorization URL Parameters Guide.

We successfully added the capability to allow our app to generate a URL that lets them see the consent screen. However, we have yet to do two more things — define an endpoint to consume the user information after the OAuth consent screen and tie our front end to initiate sign-in.

3. Fetch User Details After Sign in using Redirect URI

As the user gives OAuth2 Consent, Google sends the necessary tokens to Scalekit. Scalekit handles and redirects them back to your redirect_uri endpoint with a unique authorization code. 

The next step is to exchange this code via Scalekit to fetch the user's details from Google, such as their email and profile information.

The following code snippets show how to set up the callback endpoint that will be used to exchange the authorization code with Scalekit to retrieve the user’s details.

import jwt from 'jsonwebtoken'; import session from 'express-session'; import express from 'express'; // Initialize express session middleware app.use( session({ secret: 'keyboard cat', // Replace with a secure secret key resave: false, saveUninitialized: true, cookie: { secure: false, maxAge: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 }, // Set secure to true if using HTTPS }) ); const redirectURI = 'http://localhost:5000/callback'; // Callback route to handle the redirect from Scalekit and exchange the authorization code app.get('/callback', async (req, res) => { const { code, error } = req.query; if (error) { console.error(`Error during sign-in: ${error}`); return res.status(500).send('Authentication Error'); } try { // Exchange the authorization code for user details using Scalekit const profile = await scalekit.authenticateWithCode(code, redirectURI); const decodedDetails = jwt.decode(profile.idToken); // Store user session data req.session.isSignedIn = true; req.session.profile = decodedDetails; req.session.email = decodedDetails.email; // Display the details to user at frontend view return res.render('signedin', { profile: decodedDetails, firstName: decodedDetails.given_name, }); } catch (authError) { console.error('Authentication failed:', authError); return res.status(500).send('Failed to fetch user details'); } });
from flask import Flask, request, jsonify, session, render_template import jwt from scalekit import ScalekitClient import os redirect_uri = 'http://localhost:5000/callback' # Initialize Scalekit SDK client scalekit_client = ScalekitClient( os.getenv("SCALEKIT_ENVIRONMENT_URL"), os.getenv("SCALEKIT_CLIENT_ID"), os.getenv("SCALEKIT_CLIENT_SECRET") ) # Callback route to handle redirect from Scalekit @app.route('/callback', methods=['GET']) def callback(): code = request.args.get('code') # Extract authorization code from query parameters error = request.args.get('error') # Extract any error from query parameters if error: return jsonify({"error": error}), 400 # Handle any sign-in errors try: # Exchange the authorization code for user details using Scalekit result = scalekit_client.authenticate_with_code(code, redirect_uri) decoded_details = jwt.decode(result.id_token, options={"verify_signature": False}) # Store user session data session['isSignedIn'] = True session['profile'] = decoded_details session['email'] = decoded_details.get('email') # Render the details on the frontend view (signedin.html) return render_template('signedin.ejs', profile=decoded_details, firstName=decoded_details.get('given_name')) except Exception as e: print(f"Error during authentication: {e}") return jsonify({"error": "Error during authentication", "details": str(e)}), 500
// Callback route to handle the redirect from Scalekit and exchange the code for user details http.HandleFunc("/callback", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { code := r.URL.Query().Get("code") // Extract authorization code from query parameters error := r.URL.Query().Get("error") // Extract any error from query parameters redirectUri := "http://localhost:5000/callback" // Same redirect URI used in Scalekit if error != "" { http.Error(w, fmt.Sprintf("Error: %s", error), http.StatusBadRequest) // Handle sign-in errors return } // Exchange the authorization code for user details res, err := scalekitClient.AuthenticateWithCode(code, redirectUri) if err != nil { log.Printf("Error during authentication: %v", err) http.Error(w, "Error during authentication", http.StatusInternalServerError) return } // Extract user details userEmail := res.User.Email userName := res.User.Name // Create response object response := map[string]interface{}{ "email": userEmail, "name": userName, "user": res.User, } // Send user details as a JSON response w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json") json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(response) })
// Callback route to handle the redirect from Scalekit and exchange the code for user details protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { String code = request.getParameter("code"); // Extract authorization code from query parameters String error = request.getParameter("error"); // Extract any error from query parameters String redirectUri = "http://localhost:5000/callback"; // Same redirect URI used in Scalekit if (error != null && !error.isEmpty()) { response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "Error: " + error); // Handle sign-in errors return; } try { // Exchange the authorization code for user details AuthenticationResponse authResponse = scalekitClient.authentication().authenticateWithCode(code, redirectUri); // Extract user details String userEmail = authResponse.getIdTokenClaims().getEmail(); String userName = authResponse.getIdTokenClaims().getName(); // Send user details as a JSON response String jsonResponse = String.format("{\"email\":\"%s\", \"name\":\"%s\", \"user\": %s}", userEmail, userName, authResponse.getIdTokenClaims().toString()); response.setContentType("application/json"); response.getWriter().write(jsonResponse); } catch (Exception e) { // Handle any errors during authentication e.printStackTrace(); response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Error during authentication: " + e.getMessage()); } }

Step 4: Implement the Frontend to Initiate the Google Sign-in Flow

Now that the backend is ready, it’s time to set up the frontend to initiate the Google Sign-in process using Scalekit.



<%= title %>

with Google using Scalekit

Here's how the process works:

  • The frontend sends a request to the backend's /sign-in when the user clicks the "Sign-in" button.
  • The /sign-in endpoint responds with an authorization URL that you can use to redirect the user to the OAuth2 consent screen. 
Google SSO frontnd process diagram
Google SSO frontend flow

This flow ensures a smooth user experience while securely handling the sign-in in the background.

Step 5: Fetching and Displaying User Attributes

After a successful Google Sign-In, the next step is to retrieve and display the user's details. This process begins when the user is redirected back to your app’s callback URL, which is configured in Scalekit as http://localhost:5000/callback. This URL includes a unique authorization code received upon successful completion of the sign-in flow.

The backend /callback endpoint then handles this code by communicating with Scalekit to retrieve the user's details, such as their email and name. These details then can be rendered on the frontend.



Welcome, <%= firstName %>!

Your Profile Details:

<%= JSON.stringify(profile, null, 2) %>

This ensures that the user’s profile details, such as their name and email, are displayed immediately after they sign in with Google, providing a seamless experience.

Google SSO data fetch process diagram
Google SSO fetching user attributes

For more details on how to handle this, refer to Scalekit’s Guide on Handling User Profiles.

Step 6: Testing and Debugging: Testing the Integration with Real Google Accounts

Now that your setup is complete, it's time to test! Follow these steps to ensure everything works as expected:

  • Run everything locally and sign in using a real Google account.
  • Ensure the entire flow works smoothly, from the consent screen to displaying user details.
  • Monitor your logs for any errors during the process to catch potential issues early.
  • Double-check that your Google Client ID is correctly set.
  • Ensure that any required application environment variables are properly configured for this basic Google Sign-In integration.

By following these steps, you can ensure your integration works as intended before going live.

Comparison with Traditional OAuth Implementations

Using traditional OAuth setups can be a complicated process, especially when working with multiple identity providers (IdPs) like Google, Microsoft, or Salesforce.

Here’s how Scalekit simplifies the process:

Traditional OAuth Setup
With Scalekit
Setup Complexity
Separate setup for each IdP, increaseing complexity
One SDK for multiple providers
Codebase Size
Code grows with each added provider
Single clean SDK for all
Token Management
Manually handle tokens for each provider
Automatic token management
Best practices and security updates are harder
Maintains patches to stay secure

By using Scalekit, you simplify the integration process, cut down on development time, and ensure a smoother, more secure user authentication experience.


In this tutorial, we’ve explored how to implement Google Sign-In using Scalekit. From setting up the backend to retrieving user details, Scalekit simplifies the entire process, making it easy to integrate multiple identity providers with minimal effort. Whether working on a client application or scaling to a larger platform, Scalekit provides a secure and efficient way to handle social sign-in.

Google Frequently Asked Questions:

Q1. How Does Google OAuth Work?

Google OAuth lets users sign in to third-party apps using their Google account without sharing their passwords. Here’s the quick process:

  1. The user clicks the Google Sign-In button and is redirected to Google’s Authorization page.
  2. They grant permission for the app to access their account info.
  3. Google sends back an authorization code, which the app exchanges for an access token through secure server interactions to retrieve user details.

This way, the app never handles passwords, keeping things secure and reducing the risk of breaches.

Q2. Is Google OAuth Free?

Yes, Google OAuth is free to use. Google provides OAuth 2.0 as part of its platform services, allowing developers to integrate Google Sign-In into their apps at no cost. However, it's worth noting that if your app makes a high number of API requests, there might be rate limits, but most apps will not need to worry about this.

Q3. What is OAuth and How Does it Work?

OAuth (Open Authorization) is a standard protocol used for secure token-based authentication and authorization. It is a secure way for apps to access user information without needing their passwords. Here’s how it works:

  1. The user gives the app permission on an authorization page.
  2. The app gets an authorization code and exchanges it for an access token.
  3. The access token allows the app to access the user’s data—no need for sign-in credentials.

It’s a safe way to let apps share data without storing sensitive information like passwords.

Q4. What is the Difference Between SSO and OAuth?

SSO (Single Sign-On) and OAuth are related but serve different purposes:

  • SSO lets users sign in once and access multiple apps without needing to sign in again, simplifying the user experience.
  • OAuth is focused on authorization, allowing apps to access specific user data without needing their password, based on permissions granted.

In short, SSO manages sign-in across platforms, while OAuth securely grants apps access to user data. SSO can be achieved using OAuth, as is the case with Google Sign-In.

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