Single Sign-on
Integrate SSO in a few hours
SCIM Provisioning
Automated user activation & deactivation
Social Logins
One Integration, Multiple Social Logins
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One Integration,
Social Logins
Simplify signup, login experiences for your users. Integrate Google, GitHub, and more in hours
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Accelerate time-to-market
Add social identity integrations instantly. Scale effortlessly and accelerate your product launch.
Simplify User Onboarding
Deliver secure, smooth login and signup experiences. Engage users from start, minimizing drop-outs.
Enhanced Security and Trust
Leverage trusted social platforms like Google and GitHub to provide secure, verified logins to users.
Launch Social Logins in two simple steps
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Step 1
Setup a connection from your app to the social provider via Scalekit's Redirect URL.
Step 2
Generate the authorization URL using Scalekit's SDK for social provider login.
Single OIDC integration for
all SSO and social connections
Designed for
B2B SaaS developers
Single OIDC Integration
Manage all OAuth social workflows end-to-end with a single OIDC integration. Toggle social identities based on changing user needs
Unified Request-Response Formats
Standardize how you retrieve user info across all social providers with consistent request-response formats
SDKs and code samples
Node, Go, Python, Java SDKs with code samples, and developer guides
Test OAuth Connections
Verify OAuth configurations and user attributes, ensuring everything works well before launch
Robust Security
Only verified users can access your app with email verification. Security benefits like CSRF protection, token storage, and HTTPS encryption
Acquire enterprise customers with
zero upfront cost
Every feature unlocked. No hidden fees.
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/ month
3 FREE SSO/SCIM connections
Built-in multi-tenancy and Organizations
SCIM Provisioning for Users, Groups
Unlimited Users
Unlimited Social Logins
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